“Lightweight custom made epilepsy helmets are the goal, made on ABID’s unique wearable 3D printer.”
3D printed epilepsy helmets with unique features
Specially tailored for you on a unique new multi-axis 3D printer. (More about the machine can be found here)
With our machine we can create lightweight ultra strong wearables that are custom made to fit its owner perfectly
This page shows an image of a possible helmet, it’s just a sketch to illustrate what is possible.
For more information about this type of helmets, we kindly refer you to https://www.kennispleingehandicaptensector.nl/actueel/verhalen/hoofdbescherming-bij-epilepsie”
Would you like to become a partner in our project?
Please feel free to contact us; we would be happy to discuss further with you!
Year: 2019-heden